Tally Customization

TallyPrime Customization

Celebrating 14 successful years with our 2500+ Tally customers across the UAE

Customize TallyPrime is vital when it comes to adding functionalities and ensuring that the software meets the industry-specific accounting needs. TallyPrime is architected to be a platform and is designed to support extensive Customization Using TDL (Tally Definition Language), you can enhance or change the default behavior of Software. Our Qualified Technical Engineers who is based in UAE have received extensive training in Bangalore Tally Head Office, will visit the customers place in UAE, understand the business needs and then do the customization in UAE itself as per our customer’s requirements. We also have customized and ready solutions to digitalize businesses. Extend core functionality by interfacing a bespoke application facilitated by TallyPrime’s support for custom built DLLs and XSLT.

Customization of TallyPrime is required for all types of business to fulfill gaps in the organization operations. Invoice customization of tally will give new look to invoice print format. Tally invoice printing customization will be charged based print format design. You can customize your existing Tally software to work according to the specific requirements of your business. This helps enhance processes and also to avoid data redundancy as well as become more system driven. Business Growth demands change in business processes, security levels & controls, Management Information Systems (MIS), automation at various levels as well as integration with different systems and software.

Benefits of TallyPrime Customization

  • Customized Voucher Print Formats as per customers’ requirements on plane paper with letter heads and stamp & signature or on preprinted paper.
  • Any kind of new Accounting and Inventory reports as per customers’ requirements.
  • Filtering in any report by any fields in voucher or related masters.
  • Effective tracking of items with Barcode/QR Code.
  • Effective tracking of alteration or deletion of vouchers.
  • Multilevel Approval Systems
  • Time-Scheduled Auto backup of data
  • PDC Management

Some of the readily available customized modules are mentioned below:

  • Salesman Module with commission Calculation
  • Cost Centre-wise Profit & Loss Account and Balance Sheet
  • Quotation Module
  • PDC Module with customized Issued/Received PDC reports
  • Voucher Level Security user-wise
  • Ledger Security user-wise
  • Salesman-wise Profitability and Outstanding Reports
  • Hiding item cost for sales team
  • Showing standard selling price in stock summary for sales team
  • Voucher Approval multiple levels
  • Outstanding Ageing with PDC received
  • Credit Limit controlling for customers without considering PDC received
  • Negative Stock control by blocking sales/delivery note entry for items not in stock
  • Blocking Sale of items below standard price
  • Hyperlink in vouchers for attaching documents to TallyPrime
  • Predefined salesman in customer masters
  • Blocking of deletion or cancellation for voucher in user levels